Welshpool to Llandrinio
Only 8.5 miles
Only 8.5 miles
In this issue we meet our first moving barge, play with a pulley, catch a Noon Fly, meet another wooden sculpture and do lots of dirty squelching! Plus much much more...
Hello and welcome along again to the next stage of our meandering stroll. We start today from Welshpool through the Welsh and English countryside as we head towards Bristol and the culmination of 210 miles of the River Severn Way, now just over 166 miles away. Are you properly booted, sandwiches packed and ready to go?
A few spots of rain fall as we trot along to catch our train and onward bus to Llandrinio for the start of our next leg along the River Severn Way. Will you be waiting there for us? Excellent.
The train from Shrewsbury to Welshpool was delayed for 20 minutes due to 'line re-alignment' which was slightly worrying! Other than that we arrived to start our walk with just 16 minutes to make-up which I think we should do quite easily.
OK? Ready? Lets' get cracking!
We're on the Montgomery Canal again for a short distance and Pam sets off at a cracking pace again in order to make up for our late start. She's determined we don't miss our bus some 5 hours later in Llandrinio!

It's not long before we meet up with our first moving barge on the canal.

These are small bridges mainly for tractors travelling between fields and have to be lifted by the barge people by pulling on a chain connected to a pulley system. Of course, once it passes through, I just can't resist having a go!

Glad you all made it safely across!
This is where we leave the Montgomery Canal behind as we pick up Offa's Dyke Long Distance path which is shared with The Severn Way for a few miles across mainly pasture land, hugging the river most of the way. Thanks M/C for sharing a few beautifully serene miles with us all.

I check our timing and we've made up the lost 16 minutes - exactly! Well done all of you!

Fly by River
It's a cooler day than our last stage which makes for easier walking but the sun comes out as we settle down by the side of our river for lunch.

I check the route card against the time and find we're now 8 minutes ahead of schedule despite having tricky cow-pat terrain to negotiate. We're due a 15 minute break here but Pam is keen to press on. So am I - pressing into yet another cow-pat!

We have to come off route about 1.5 miles now in order to catch the bus at Llandrinio but we make it in time and end the day with a rather scarily fast bus-ride along twisty roads but we arrive safe and sound at Shrewsbury with just enough time for a visit to Marks & Spencers before our train home - why did I not see that coming?
I think this is a first; I walk around the wonderfully clean white lines of this department store for some time unaware that I'm depositing cow-pat remains everywhere! I make a hasty retreat and wait for Pam outside. Still, it means the train carriage will be free of countryside smells this time!
See you next time for Stage 7 of the fabulous Severn Way walk.
Walking Companions
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The more the merrier! I know I've said before I prefer to walk on my own but you're so quiet I hardly notice you're there. It's only at the end of each stage you tend to make a comment, and talking of comments;-
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Well done Paul and Pam - some beautiful photos
Chris Wigg
Thanks Chris. We're really enjoying our 210 miles stroll along the river and it's great to be able to share it with so many other lovers of walking and the countryside.
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